How to use words effectively to reach hearts and minds…
Have you ever thought about how much time we spend each day on words?
Words have the power to change hearts and minds when used properly! Have you considered the words you use during a 24 hour period? Are they words to build up or are they words that tear down? Words are a big part of life, and have a huge impact on relationships. Think about it…
We read words, we speak words. We work crossword puzzles and word search puzzles. Much time is spent reading words in a book. We listen to words as we watch television.
Many words have multiple meanings depending on the context or subject. Some words are used in ways that do not reflect their meaning, such as cuss words. Spoken words are powerful to the listener because they reveal the heart and soul of the speaker.
A lesson I learned early in life was to “say what I mean and mean what I say”. It’s an old saying. The concept is also found in the Bible:
“…let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is more than these cometh of evil.” Matthew 5:37 KJV
This bit of Bible wisdom teaches us to be precise in communicating our thoughts so there is no misunderstanding to the hearer. We all have had experiences where our words have been misunderstood.
Words have power! They can draw out the deepest emotions from our heart and soul. They can wrench away our security and take away our peace. Threatening words bring fear and dismay. Or those threatening words can keep us from making a tragic mistake.
Words are power to be used for good or for evil! Words reveal our heart and soul. Words can bring confusion or clarity.
When you are by yourself, deep in thought, what kind of words are running through your mind?
Maybe you have the habit of rehearsing what you would like to say to someone who has let you down, made you mad, or hurt your feelings. You fuel the fire of emotion when your habit is to rehearse what you would like to say to that person. If so, be cautious, for words cannot be taken back. Hurt feelings are hard to soothe. It is better not to rehearse angry words, for they might slip out unexpectedly when provoked. Squelch the angry words.
Think healing words. Pause before speaking to make sure your words do not cause a broken relationship, a serious misunderstanding, or cause hurt to a tender heart. Pray before you speak. Especially when trying to mend a relationship or correct misinformation. Pray that God would give you the best words for your situation.
Words can frustrate the listener. Too many, and your listener will drift off into their own thoughts. Too few, and misunderstandings can occur. Too many words used too often tire the listener. Soon they will learn to tune out your words. Be sure when in conversations to allow others to add their thoughts to the discussion.
It is so important to learn to control our tongue. The Bible tells us our words are to be pleasing to the Lord. If they please Him, then there is a good possibility they may be pleasing to others.
“Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.” Psalm 19:14